How Do I Turn on Spam Filter in Yahoo?



Yahoo Spamfilter

No one wants to see spam emails in their inbox but still there are a lot of them received every day. This can happen with you, Yahoo email service as well and to get over this activating Yahoo spamfilter is the best way out. You can mark the emails as spam to reduce their quantity. Doing this will send them in the spam folder and to do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Yahoo account and go to your inbox.
  2. Select the emails you want to move to the Spam folder.
  3. After you have selected all such emails, click on ‘Spam’.
  4. When you do this, the emails are shifted to the Spam folder and the senders are added to the blocked addresses list. 

Spam on Yahoo can be easily avoided using the above steps. To further avoid getting spam emails on Yahoo, here are the instructions you must follow:

  1. Don’t open emails or reply to emails from unknown senders.
  2. Don’t give your email address to everyone you meet.
  3. You must always have a secondary email address for shopping sites.

Don’t enter your email address anywhere and everywhere you subscribe to. This can be a spammer too trying to get your email address. Mark the email as junk and block spam on Yahoo whenever you receive any of such emails. 

You can also block the email addresses that are continuously sending you spam emails or create a separate filter where you can easily transfer the spam emails.